Parallel between the text: some considerations about “race”, affirmative action and black identity in Brazil: anthropological foundations (Munanga, 2006), and the film How much is it worth or is it for a kilo?


  • Cleucimar Aparecida Pereira Prudente Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul/Mato Grosso do Sul/MS, Brasil
  • Luara Tavares Garcia Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul/Mato Grosso do Sul/MS, Brasil



Escravidão. Desigualdade. Identidade.


In this research we analyze the opening dialogue of the film "How much is it worth or is it for a kilo?" (2005), directed by Sergio Bianchi, a work of national cinema that addresses the persistence of slavery from the 18th century to the present day and the financial diversion in social projects conducted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which receive resources destined to these initiatives. We used Munanga's text (2005/2006) as a theoretical reference to establish a relationship between the historical narrative of slavery and contemporary issues of politics and black identity in cinematographic analysis. The central problem explored in the film is the persistent exploitation of labor over the centuries, maintaining its harmful influence on society. The objective of comparing the text and the film serves to understand how the process of formation of racist practices in Brazil is closely linked to the history and social and economic structures of the slavery period, in addition to highlighting their maintenance. The result of this analysis shows the importance of cinema as a form of expression that can generate meaningful dialogues about social and political issues, especially those related to the history of slavery and black identity. We conclude that the film "How much is it worth or is it for a kilo?" offers a valuable contribution to understanding and raising awareness of these complex issues, encouraging the public to reflect on the ongoing need to combat modern slavery and promote equity.



BIANCHI, Sérgio. Quanto vale ou é por quilo? Longa-metragem / Sonoro / Ficção /35 mm, COR. Direção: Sérgio Bianchi. Roteiro: Sergio Bianchi; Eduardo Benaim. Montagem: Paulo Sacramento. Companhias Produtoras: Quanta; Teleimage. Brasil, 2005.

MBEMBE, Achille. Crítica da razão negra. São Paulo: N-1, 2018.

MUNANGA, Kabengele. Algumas considerações sobre “raça”, ação afirmativa e identidade negra no Brasil: fundamentos antropológicos. Revista USP. São Paulo, n. 68, p. 47-57. Dezembro/fevereiro 2005-2006.



How to Cite

Prudente, C. A. P., & Garcia, L. T. (2025). Parallel between the text: some considerations about “race”, affirmative action and black identity in Brazil: anthropological foundations (Munanga, 2006), and the film How much is it worth or is it for a kilo? . REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 8(1), 17151.



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