Educational experiences in non-formal educational spaces in a group of future science and biology teachers




Non-Formal Space. Educational Experience. Teacher Training.


Considering that knowing how to use appropriate methodologies for the intended teaching and learning objectives, knowing how to plan and execute contextualized teaching and learning plans, and if possible interdisciplinary, today represents fundamental professional skills for the exercise of the teaching profession, and also considering that using non-formal spaces in formal teaching can be an important possibility and didactic strategy for the promotion of a contextualized and interdisciplinary school teaching, as pointed out by the National Curricular Parameters in the second half of the 1990s and recently ratified by the Common National Curricular Base, this article presents the results of a research developed in 2019, with the objective of knowing and analyzing educational experiences in non-formal spaces that had a group of students in Biological Sciences during the period they attended Basic Education. As a technique and instrument of data collection, the research used a questionnaire with closed and open type questions. The results that these undergraduates, in their almost totality, did not have any opportunity to experiment with classes using these spaces in their school formative process at the level of Basic Education.


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How to Cite

Araújo de Sousa, R., Silva, J. G. S. ., & Santos, R. dos. (2021). Educational experiences in non-formal educational spaces in a group of future science and biology teachers. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 4(1), 06001–06011.



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