
  • Rodrigo Gava Universidade Federal de Viçosa




Mercado, Desenvolvimento, Desenvolvimento Local


This paper aims to draw a brief opposition to the mainstream development practices in Brazil. Political actions usually support territories and corporations already driven, resulting in the persistence of national development heterogeneities. Thus, the support given by the principles of an orthodox Economy, qualifying it and, at the same time restricting the idea of development only as a growth, remains alive. Hence, the ground for an industrial, economical and financial development, which may bring about social results, is expected. The posture assumed here is opposite to the mainstream model committed mainly to economic results and no to development of the human conditions. Arguments that stress local possibilities and the encouragement to their organization, which are sensitive to the formation and capacitation of small businesses strong enough to participate in the global market, are presented in this work. Regarding the local dynamics of development, contributions about the political geography of the territory are discussed here, especially Milton Santos’ ones.

Key-Words: Market. Development. Local Development


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How to Cite

Gava, R. (2011). LOCAL AND GLOBAL LEVELS IN THE CONTEXT OF DEVELOPMENT. Administração Pública E Gestão Social, 2(3), 298–316. https://doi.org/10.21118/apgs.v2i3.4029




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