Democracy and politics: limits and reach of universal suffrage




Democracy, Politics., Universal Suffrage, Polyarchy., Emancipation.


In this theoretical essay, it is in focus the politics’ problem, of that power which invests on the awareness, the body and the existence of individuals, through micro power strategies and new domain ways, as the universal suffrage. Considering the competitive democracy, this study sought the analysis of the distance between the ideal and real political scenario and problematize the suffrage’s role, in order to assure the intended equality, in the terms of the constituted rights. Can elections constitute themselves as a way to contest the current system and social transformation factor? The objective of this research was to analyze how elections can facilitate the choice of a governor that acts in favor of the minorities, because of that it is a preponderant factor to protect the population from a tyrant govern. It could be concluded that, this way, the citizens’ participation through universal suffrage is one of the warranties for the existence of a “plain” democracy (“polyarchy”), into a public scenario in which the action of the collective movements is decisive searching for the emancipation and politicization of the disadvantaged groups.




How to Cite

Aparecido de Carvalho, E., de Paula, A. da S., & Kodato, S. . (2021). Democracy and politics: limits and reach of universal suffrage . REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 4(1), 09001–09016.



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