Between the lines of Environmental Education: Sustainable Potential in the Production of Soap and Newspaper in a Rural Community in Alegrete-RS


  • Fernando Icaro Jorge Cunha Universidade Federal do Pampa - Unipampa
  • Osmar Senador Mendonça Júnior Rede Estadual de Ensino do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Marlise Grecco de Souza Silveira 10° Coordenadoria Regional de Educação
  • Izabel Cristina Ferreira Vieira Rede Estadual de Ensino do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Graciane Marchezan do Nascimento Lopes Rede Municipal de Ensino de Alegrete-RS



Recyclable soap, Awareness, Environment


This study aims to highlight successful didactic-pedagogical experiences in an interdisciplinary project carried out in the community of Passo do Silvestre, rural area of Alegrete/RS, in 2019. In this sense, it is based on the precepts of Environmental Education that value different participatory processes that contribute to the recovery, conservation and improvement of the environment providing quality of life from Jacobi (2003), Carnerio (2006), Leff (2012). Therefore, in this process, participant research is evident and its relevance towards the emancipation of the school community from the activities in which they participated, such as the reuse of cooking oil and the production of an informative newspaper for environmental awareness.




How to Cite

Cunha, F. I. J., Mendonça Júnior, O. S., Silveira, M. G. de S., Vieira, I. C. F., & Lopes, G. M. do N. (2022). Between the lines of Environmental Education: Sustainable Potential in the Production of Soap and Newspaper in a Rural Community in Alegrete-RS. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 5(1), 13522–01.



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