The struggle for an education in the countryside and not for the countryside: protagonisms and challenges of social movements


  • Evangelista Soares Siqueira Universidade do Vale do Taquari (UNIVATES)
  • Francisco Marcos Mendes Nogueira State University of Roraima (UERR)



Social Movement, . Field Education, LEDUCARR, UFRR


The present essay deals with the Degree Course in Rural Education, from the Federal University of Roraima, LEDUCARR/UFRR, having as a background the role of Social Movements for the realization of Rural Education and not for the field in the context of state of Roraima. It should be noted that LEDUCARR has its genesis from the Call Notice no. 09, of April 29, 2009, of the Support Program for Higher Education in Degree in Rural Education (PROCAMPO), which was an initiative of the Ministry of Education, through the Secretary of Continuing Education and Diversity (SECADI), with support from the Secretariat of Higher Education (SESU) and the financial execution of the National Fund for the Development of Education (FNDE). Thus, after the course was approved, the first entrance exam was held in 2010, with a total of 60 places, 30 for Human and Social Sciences (CHS) and 30 for Natural Sciences and Mathematics (CNM). The differential of the pedagogical proposal for LEDUCARR fell under the option of the principles of the Pedagogy of Alternation through the articulation of University Time (TU) with Community Time (TC). In addition, the role of Social Movements is highlighted so that Rural Education is based on the inclusive education paradigm of men, women and young people who live in and in the countryside, thus escaping from traditional models that ignore the countryside as a place of production. of knowledge through education for the countryside, that is, simply urban educational models for the countryside.


Author Biography

Francisco Marcos Mendes Nogueira, State University of Roraima (UERR)






How to Cite

Siqueira, E. S., & Nogueira, F. M. M. (2022). The struggle for an education in the countryside and not for the countryside: protagonisms and challenges of social movements. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 5(3), 14180–01e.



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