Dialogues about oral history: limits and possibilities





Oral History; Limits; Possibilities.


This text deals with the limits and possibilities of Oral History (OH), especially in research carried out in the field of Human and Social Sciences. Thus, our starting point is, a priori, with the understanding that OH is a methodological procedure and, at the same time, a means in which the researcher uses in order to (re) to constitute testimonies, versions and/or interpretations of the actions of historical subjects, as well as to produce historical knowledge. It is worth underlining the place of speech of this text, which was given/given with the experience of the mini-course Dialogues on oral history: limits and possibilities, offered at the II Journey on Gender, Culture and Displacements, in April 2021. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), the event took place remotely via Google Meet. The methodology of the short course sought to privilege dialogues based on the discussion of pre-selected texts (Montenegro, 2003; Delgado, 2003; 2006; Alberti, 2007; 2014; Portelli, 1997; 2005; 2010; 2016), showing the movie Yahweh narrators. It is possible to infer that, although the OH methodology is an attractive methodological tool, it presents its limits, challenges and drawbacks.


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How to Cite

Nogueira, F. M. M. (2021). Dialogues about oral history: limits and possibilities . REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 4(3), 12692–01. https://doi.org/10.18540/revesvl4iss3pp12692-01-08e



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