Identifying key attributes in the coffee selection process: insights from the Maxdiff analysis


  • Paula Thaís dos Santos Soares Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Carla Araujo de Brito Sass Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil
  • Elson Rogério Tavares Filho IInstituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Mônica Marques Pagani Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Eliane Teixeira Mársico Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil
  • Adriano Gomes da Cruz Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Erick Almeida Esmerino Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil



Maximum difference scale. Consumer perception. Qualitative research.


Coffee consumption in Brazil grew in 2021. However, in order to successfully position and market this product, the sector must understand consumer perception and expectations effectively. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the consumer's perception of coffees, primarily identifying the factors involved in the choice process through the Maximum Difference Scale (MaxDiff). Initially, recruited participants (n=154) performed an association task and free survey of terms and attributes for a good coffee. Subsequently, the selected attributes were used in the MaxDiff exercise, performed by consumers of different types and versions of coffee (n = 330). Hierarchical Bayesian Estimation, ANOVA, Tukey mean test (global difference) and Kruskal-Wallis test (type of coffee consumed) were used to interpret the collected data. It was observed that intrinsic parameters have more relevance and frequency of mention than the extrinsic ones for coffee. It is evident that flavor, aroma and intensity are the most important attributes of a good coffee, regardless of the coffee consumed. There are also important differences between consumers' perception of powdered, capsule, instant and espresso coffee. Thus, it is concluded that the MaxDiff technique allowed to identify consumer perceptions about coffee, being able to help the coffee sector and its marketing and communication initiatives.


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How to Cite

Soares, P. T. dos S., Sass, C. A. de B., Tavares Filho, E. R., Pagani, M. M., Mársico, E. T., Cruz, A. G. da, & Esmerino, E. A. (2022). Identifying key attributes in the coffee selection process: insights from the Maxdiff analysis. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 8(9), 14843–01a.



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