Navier-Stokes: Singularities and Bifurcations




Navier-Stokes., Singularities., Bifurcations., Regularity., Sobolev and Besov Spaces.


This article presents substantial advances in the analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations for both compressible and incompressible fluids, focusing on the formation of singularities, hypercomplex bifurcations, and regularity in Sobolev and Besov spaces. Through new theorems, we extend the theory of singularities in fluid dynamics and introduce quaternionic bifurcations, representing an innovative extension of classical bifurcation theory. Moreover, we delve into the investigation of the regularity of compressible fluids, exploring the conditions under which solutions remain smooth or develop singularities. These contributions are fundamental to the understanding of global regularity issues, directly linked to the renowned Millennium Prize problem, which seeks definitive answers on the existence and smoothness of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. Additionally, we discuss how these theoretical advancements offer new approaches to unresolved problems related to the formation of singularities in turbulent flows and the multiscale behavior of solutions, which are crucial for a comprehensive understanding of fluid dynamics. This work not only broadens the scope of traditional mathematical analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations but also establishes a robust theoretical framework for the investigation of bifurcations and regularity in advanced functional spaces, fostering a deeper understanding of global regularity phenomena and the complex dynamics governing fluid systems.


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Author Biography

Jorge Henrique de Oliveira Sales, Santa Cruz State University, Brazil

Doctor en Física Nuclear por el Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica. Postdoctorado en Física Teórica por el Instituto de Física Teórica de la UNESP. Profesor Titular de la Universidad Estadual de Santa Cruz. Revisor científico de la SBPC -Sociedad Brasileña para el Avance de la Ciencia. Miembro de la Sociedad Brasileña de Física, Miembro de la Sociedad Brasileña de Matemáticas. Premios: Premio Nacional de Innovación Alcoa 2015, Premio PTC Technology Day 2008, Homenaje de la NASA al Proyecto de Reconocimiento Lunar y Premio Ideas Innovadoras 2010. Tiene experiencia en el área de Física, con énfasis en Física Nuclear, actuando principalmente en los siguientes temas: Teoría Cuántica de Campo en el Frente de Luz, Partículas Elementales. En el área de Tecnología, posee proyectos con patentes.




How to Cite

Santos, R. D. C. dos, & Sales, J. H. de O. (2024). Navier-Stokes: Singularities and Bifurcations. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 10(9), 19879.



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