Territorial identity: a case study of a migrant in the city of São João do Baliza-RR





Culture. Displacements. Territorial identity.


This paper describes the trajectory of a northeastern migrant who arrived in Roraima in the 1980s.The choice for the theme is based on two important moments: the first was the memories of childhood, of culture, something very strong in my life; the second occurred when, during the master's course classes, I became aware of the historicity and identity that I built throughout this period mediated by the social relations of living environments, feeling the need to register these re-significations of territorial identities. At each instance lived there was a growth, with the aggregation of new cultural values, where it was influenced and also influenced. The narrative research proposes to reveal the memories and stories of a 51-year-old man, who arrived in the state of Roraima at the age of 18, from the state of Goiás. We conclude that school is important for. The development of the systematic knowledge process that guides the subjects' lives during their existence, providing opportunities for a better quality of life and more conscious actions about the problems they experience.


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How to Cite

Santos, J. D. A. dos S., Lucenir Lucena, & Sérgio Luiz. (2021). Territorial identity: a case study of a migrant in the city of São João do Baliza-RR. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais, 4(3), 12739–01. https://doi.org/10.18540/revesvl4iss3pp12739-01-09e



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