Military Police School. Shared school management. Democratic management. Militarization. Educational policies.Abstract
The aim of this study is to present another look at the militarization of public schools, focusing in high school. This research is of qualitative scope with documental and bibliographical research. For its development, it was chosen the case study methodology, unique type, being the case the Tiradentes Military School, of the Military Police of Alagoas, located in the city of Maceió. A questionnaire was applied to the managers responsible for both administration and teaching. The main concepts unveiled were: militarization, hierarchy and discipline, authority, democratic management, schools, merit and school violence. The top ten criticisms, both positive and negative, were also raised. It is incorrect to say that students in military school are docile, castrated, non-critical and homogenized through the very few military disciplines, which only teach something that is a little distant these days, such as ethics, civility and respect. The military in our study do not use weapons within the school walls, live in harmony with their peers in the pedagogical and teaching sector, and maintain a close relationship with those responsible for their students, whether in parent-teacher meetings or in open doors to the community. A strength factor in this relationship is the Student Union, which brings together activities in which students, masters, military managers and guardians participate in recreational and academic activities. Therefore, this author believes that to a large extent the school in question contributes to a formation of the Brazilian citizen.