Ascorbic acid content in functional mixed juice


  • Kariny Pereira da Silva Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Luana Costa de Souza Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Virlane Kelly Lima Hunaldo Universidade Federal do Maranhão



Mixed drink, functional juice, functional properties, antioxidants


The mixed juice is defined as a mixture of two or more fruits, combination of fruit and vegetable, combination of the edible parts of vegetables or mixture of fruit and vegetable juice, being the combination constituted of mixed juice, followed by the list of fruits and vegetables used, in descending order of quantities present in the mixture. This work aimed to evaluate the formulation of 100 mL of functional mixed juice with 69.15% coconut water, 15.0% passion fruit, 10.0% yam, 5.0% lemon, 0.8% stevia (natural sweetener free of restrictions) and 0.05% ginger, evaluating the vitamin C content found. The raw materials were purchased in the local market of the city of Imperatriz- MA, then the juice ingredients were sanitized and processed in the Vegetable laboratory of the Federal University of Maranhão, all components were liquefied together. Then submitted to physical-chemical analysis of pH, soluble solids, total titratable acidity and vitamin C content. All these analyses were performed in triplicate for beverage characterization. The results obtained in the physical-chemical analyses revealed that all the parameters evaluated are in accordance with the legislation in force. The ascorbic acid content was 495.22 mg/100g, which added a relevant nutritional value to the formulated product, since it is an important nutrient not synthesized by humans and requires daily intake, besides having antioxidant properties, thus revealing that the functional mixed juice can be considered a new product, since there is no reference of comparison with the values found. This study provides important contributions to the functional beverage segment, since the ingredients used can help in the prevention or treatment of diseases, besides their nutritional properties. It is evident that the natural sweetener used exempts the beverage from consumption restrictions.


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How to Cite

Silva, K. P. da, Souza, L. C. de, & Hunaldo, V. K. L. (2022). Ascorbic acid content in functional mixed juice. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 8(10), 15104–1e.



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