Sobre la revista

[EN] The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences (jCEC) is quarterly, international, scientific, and open-access journal. The main objective of eISSN 2527-1075  jCEC - (Qualis, - J. Eng. Exact Sci. -  is to promote and encourage the publication of results of national and international academic research. The journal publishes original articles from all Engineering, Exact Sciences and Technology, with special emphasis on originality and technical and scientific relevance. Multidisciplinary articles within the areas that involve these activities are welcome. jCEC is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC- By 4.0). Licensees may copy, distribute, display, and make derivative works only if they cite the originally published jCEC article papers. jCEC is using iThenticate to prevent any form of plagiarism and ensure the originality of submitted manuscripts. A double-blind peer reviewing system is also employed to ensure high publication quality. Previous name: eISSN 2446-9416 - Journal of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry.




Prezados Colegas, 

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Número actual

Vol. 10 Núm. 6 (2024): In progress
Publicado: 2024-05-14

General Articles

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