Vol. 11 (2022): Fluxo Contínuo

					View Vol. 11 (2022): Fluxo Contínuo
Published: 2022-01-25



  • Sister cities: actions developed with the coverage of the international sisterhood among the municipalities of Pelotas-Suzu

    Silvana SCHIMANSKI, Ana Carolina RODRIGUES, Ana Helena AVILA, Ana Lucia CAPELARI, Amanda PINHEIRO , Caio Menezes dos SANTOS , Cassiane Leonor Santos SOUZA, Daniel da Rosa ESLABAO, Gabriela Von Frühauf FIRME, Gabrielle Bezerra VELOSO, Julia Maria Soares Andrade RUDRIGUES, Julia BRETANHA, Luana MENEZES, Rafaella Gonçalves SANTOS, Gustavo Ferreira FELISBERTO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14663
  • Insertion of small businesses in the cities of Acaiaca-MG and Diogo de Vasconcelos-MG on digital platforms

    Michel Assef Jorge FERREIRA, Rafael Castilho Moreira GUEDES, Pablo Murta Baião ALBINO, Vitória Delveaux Oliveira ARAÚJO, Yullia da Costa FARIAS
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13582
  • The representation of Agroecology - an analysis on the EMATER-MG website

    Glenio Martins de Lima MARIANO, Adalgisa Jesus PEREIRA, Janderson Damaceno dos Reis
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14374
  • School failure in high school in a rural school: causes and reasons identified in the voices of students and teachers

    Francisco Renato LIMA, Raimunda Alves MELO, Jilton Vitorino de FRANÇA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14198
  • Efficient microorganisms: a sustainable alternative in vegetable cultivation for family farmers in the Viçosa - MG region

    Sumaya TUPY, Kiara CAMPOS, Guilherme GONÇALVES, Mateus SANTANA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14702
  • Evaluation of the profile of the participants and their use in the extension course “Covid-19: Conhecendo Para Se Previnir”

    Silas Silva SANTANA, Marcos Júnio Alves dos SANTOS, Roberto Allan Ribeiro SILVA, Karla Taísa Pereira COLARES, Lorena Tolentino CARDOSO, Patrícia Nirlane da Costa SOUZA, Max Pereira GONÇALVES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14669
  • Management plan and generation of green jobs: an alternative for the Historic Center of Cuiabá-MT

    Luciana Pelaes MASCARO, Carla Cristina Rosa de ALMEIDA, Karyna de Andrade Carvalho ROSSETI, Luciane Cleonice DURANTE
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13610
  • Participatory development of burdock slurry in a colony in agroecological transition

    César Di CIOCCO, Federico VITA, Patricia ABASTO, Martina Iunti MARTINO, Matilde GALVÁN
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14457
  • Vagão sustentável: environmental education at the Doralice Arruda Municipal School in Teófilo Otoni - MG

    Anna Carolina de Souza SANTOS, Ester de Mattos Lorentz PORTUGAL, Izabel Cristina MARQUES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13371
  • The Africa Project at UNILAB - ANU as a catalyst for change in curriculum and educational practice

    Ana Cássia CUNHA, Rodrigo Peixoto MACEDO, Wilma João Nancassa QUADÊ, Gisleane Lima SILVA, Maria da Luz Fonseca de CARVALHO, Jeannette Filomeno Pouchain RAMOS
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14399
  • A look at newborn care in the context of maternal and child health: an experience report

    Simone de Paula DILLENBURG, Daiana PICOLOTO, Caroline D'Azevedo SICA, Ilse Maria KUNZLER, Lisara Carneiro SCHACKER
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13115
  • PET Brazil 2020 census: an analysis on the profile of active students

    Maria Eduarda Correia SANTOS, José Gilson de Almeida Teixeira FILHO, Taynan Alves Cavalcanti FONSECA, Jainne Maria Costa SANTOS, Adely da Silva BRAZ, Michelle Caroline Ramos SOARES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13042
  • Use of Instagram® as a strategy for disseminating knowledge about food science

    Laíza Pereira Gonçalves SOUTO, Juliana Marciano AYALA, Analy Machado de Oliveira LEITE, Francisco Martins TEIXEIRA, Juliana Tomaz Pacheco LATINI, Jéssica Chaves RIVAS
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14693

Relatos de Experiência

  • The importance of psychological follow-up during prenatal care in a university hospital: An experience report

    Luciana Cardoso BENTO, Guilherme Faquim SIMÃO, Rodrigo Cesar de ALMEIDA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14553
  • Health at school program: experience of integrating health and education

    Gustavo Hanich KIRSCH, Mariangela Kraemer Lenz ZIEDE
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13432
  • Informe de experiencia sobre el potencial bioherbicida de Cojoba arborea sobre la germinación y vigor de Cassia fistula

    Maria Clara FERNANDES, Marta Betânia Ferreira CARVALHO, Guilherme Oliveira SANTOLIN , Kelrely Gambeti FARIAS, Calebe Brito da COSTA, Andreza MENDONÇA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14516
  • The application of the Maria da Penha Law and institutional violence: experiences and reflections

    Joyce Grasielle Chaves FONSECA, Maria Luzia Miranda ÁLVARES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13412
  • Qualification of entrepreneurs in the municipality of Santa Cruz de Minas for the insertion in digital environments of e-commerce

    Leandro Eduardo Vieira BARROS, Celso Luiz de SOUZA, Fernanda Morais CABRAL, Lívia da Silva SANTOS, Daniele Letícia CALSAVARA , Jhonatas Luiz dos SANTOS, João Miguel Ferreira NASCIMENTO, Sérgio Hilario do PATROCINIO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14423
  • Educational actions on Diabetes Mellitus in Youth and Adult Education in Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso

    Gleyson Souza da COSTA, Adriana SANTI, Luis Fellipe VIOLA, Adriana Marília Zanato TERUEL, Amanda Rodrigues PEREIRA, Andressa Marques Cunha LISBOA, Gabriella Vaz da SILVA, Mayra Cleres de SOUZA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13234
  • Report of experience on lessons and challenges learned in the realization of university events: Bridge to Innovation, turn your idea into technological innovation with UFPE

    Michelle Caroline Ramos SOARES, José Gilson de Almeida Teixeira FILHO, Simone Dias de AZEVEDO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13088
  • Problematization methodology in health education on nutrition and immunity

    Eduardo VITORINO, Lais Carvalho dos SantoS IVATA, Nicole Silva NUNES, Julia Souza MARTINS, Maria Carolina Marques PEREIRA, Pollyana dos Santos MESQUITA, Maria Giulia Costa de OLIVEIRA, Larissa Bezerra de ALMEIDA, Leonam Barbosa de MORAES, Patrícia Costa dos Santos da SILVA, Tiago Marciano RODRIGUES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.15055
  • The experience of a virtual hopeful in the Covid-19 pandemic scenario

    Paulo de Tarso Xavier SOUSA JUNIOR, Elaine Ferreira do NASCIMENTO, Liana Maria Ibiapina do MONTE
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13901
  • Educational action in health: the practice of correct hearing hygiene

    Laura Garcia Queiroz FERREIRA, Lara Rezende GUIMARÃES, Nilson Junio Faustino da COSTA, Geovanna Alves PACHECO, Ingrid Fernandes BORGES, Kaienne Basílio da Silva TADOKORO, Cesar Augusto Cirino SILVA, Bruna Tavares PEREIRA, João Alexandre Ferreira MARTINS, Phamela Aparecida CIPRIANO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14554
  • The participation of the PET Agronomia group in the dissemination and elucidation of high school teachers and students about the Agronomy course

    Treyce Cristo TAVARES, Ana COSTA, Inácia BATISTA, Francisco Cardoso da SILVA, Phelipe Costa de MIRANDA, Eduardo Filipe Torres VIEIRA, Gabriel Damasceno Ferreira CUNHA, Martinho Melo FIGUEIREDO, Diego Ferreira TEIXEIRA, Gabriel Silva VASCONCELOS, Daniel Costa NOGUEIRA, Gisele Sousa PEREIRA, Bressa Dias CARDOSO, Rafael Gomes VIANA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13507
  • Workshop report on electrical conductivity testing in seeds

    Klisaynara Marques do NASCIMENTO, Rafaela Teodoro CAMPOS, Marta Betânia Ferreira CARVALHO, Andreza MENDONÇA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14517
  • Aging and care: an experience in the context of nutrition

    Danúbia Joanes Rosa GUERRA, Danielly Nogueira SANTOS, Jéssica Magalhães BRETAS, Bruno Otávio RODRIGUES, Andréia Queiroz RIBEIRO, Maria Sortênia Alves GUIMARÃES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13421
  • Accelerated aging test theoretical-practical workshop as a professional training tool in seed analysis

    Denilda Ribeiro Araujo de JESUS, Mônica Veloso SILVA, Edegmaria da Costa SILVA, Andreza Pereira MENDONÇA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14298
  • Extension curriculum: reflections on the conservation of the buffer zone of the Jaru Biological Reserve (REBIO)

    Mônica Veloso SILVA, Edegmaria da Costa SILVA, Denilda Ribeiro Araujo de JESUS, Luan Garcia Pereira BARROS, Andreza Pereira MENDONÇA, Lediane Fani FELZKE
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14195
  • Extension in times of a pandemic: the lives of the Cultura Plural project and the construction of dialogues about culture

    Karina Janz WOITOWICZ, Matheus Henrique Rocha GASTALDON, Sérgio Luiz GADINI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.14803
  • Interdisciplinarity and interprofessionality in university extension through the eyes of a Pedagogy student

    Moara Milléo Baracat de SIQUEIRA, Andrea CORDEIRO, Nadia Gaiofatto GONÇALVES, Isabella Aparecida Pinto LOPES
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13958
  • Medicinal plant cultivation workshop for users of a Psychosocial Care Center before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Gislaine Faria dos SANTOS, Angelica Rodrigues ALVES, Thaís Rodrigues dos SANTOS, Emily Cecatto SEVILHA, Juliana Fernandes Mendes da SILVA, Mateus Augusto DONEGÁ
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21284/elo.v11i.13773