Analysis of social indicators on aging database IBGE. Identification of variables for social policy makers in reducing the social risk for aging individuals: the case of the elderly in Brazil


  • Simone Caldas Tavares Mafra Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Rebeca Wong University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)


By considering the discussions on Brazilian families who have elderly individuals in their structure, and the progress in the design of social policies to support aging with autonomy, it was perceived the necessity to identify variables in the social indicators presented by the IBGE in 2008, discussing them based on the literature to suggest possible variables in the design of effective social policies for the elderly in Brazil, offering them a guarantee of autonomy. This study aimed to discussing based on the methodology mentioned, to know the kind of family more susceptible to expose its elderly to social risks, so that progress can be achieved within the scope of studies on aging.  This analysis aims to support the design of social policies addressed to the elderly in Brazil, as well as to contribute to the global agenda on aging that is, reducing the social risk of the elderly often caused by poor access to support services to autonomy or its absence to support of the routine of the elderly and of their families.


Biografia do Autor

Simone Caldas Tavares Mafra, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Departamento de Economia Doméstica, área de |Habitação e Planejamento de Interiores

Rebeca Wong, University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)

P. & S. Kempner Distinguished Professor in Health Disparities, University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), Sealy Center on Aging. Director of WHO/PAHO.


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Como Citar

Mafra, S. C. T., & Wong, R. (2012). Analysis of social indicators on aging database IBGE. Identification of variables for social policy makers in reducing the social risk for aging individuals: the case of the elderly in Brazil. Oikos: Família E Sociedade Em Debate, 23(1), 251–302. Recuperado de




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